Who is Grity?

Grity is a new adventure for husband and wife team Adrian Marafioti and Sally Polihronas,

bringing to life their first project; Charlie Chatter – A TV Chat Application.

The start of a new direction for both founders, as new business owners.

Giving birth to Grity happened organically as Adrian and Sally stepped into family life as first time parents in 2015.
The vision was to create a family business, combining  all of the skill sets and experience attained throughout their careers.
Drawing on their strengths of sales, marketing, branding and creative development they are a strong creative force bringing fresh and exciting projects to life.

Our Services

Brand Development

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Our Team


Adrian Marafioti

Co- Founder/Managing Director


Growth Specialist delivering outcomes through people, product & process

With 20+ years’ commercial experience across multiple industries in SMEs and market-leading multi-national organisations such as Vodafone, Cisco & Samsung, Adrian is a growth specialist delivering superior commercial outcomes through people, product and process in highly competitive environments.

Adrian offers an extensive background in General Management roles with a track record of accomplishment in operational excellence, change management, corporate governance and stakeholder management. I have forged and led high performance teams through periods of substantial change, engendered trust and confidence in colleagues, partners and external stakeholders to optimise mutually beneficial outcomes.


♦ Driving revenues in all competitive environments
♦ Embedding high performance culture
♦ Product commercialisation
♦ Commercial strategy linked to bottom line
♦ Commercial negotiation
♦ Partnership & stakeholder negotiation & management
♦ Establishing systems, tools & process delivering win-win solutions
♦ Sales & thought leadership
♦ Superior channel & distribution strategy & management

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Sally Polihronas

Co-Founder & CMO

Sally Polihronas has been in the Entertainment industry for more than 27 years. As an expert in all areas of the industry from performing to key business elements that have included, marketing, branding, management, Live events and Tours.

Sally’s life has not been a traditional one, always committing to more than one project and always following passion projects all of her life. From her performance background to fulfilling roles as a producer and Live Entertainment Director.

With a keen creative eye and a love for creating and developing new fresh ideas, Sally has brought to life Charlie Chatter. A living room idea that was born from a frustration with her husband for texting while watching television.


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